Who's Who in Swing Dance

By: H. Leon Raper - E-mail

Copyright Information

This book is a work in progress and is being published on the World Wide Web so it can be a dynamic document to be updated as necessary. The work was undertaken to provide information to Swing Dance researchers who wish to study the different styles of Swing Dance. It also gives recognition to some outstanding people in the Swing Dance community that helped keep the different forms of Swing Dance from dying out during the lean dance years. This is not a Who's Who of everyone involved in Swing Dance. No offense is meant to those not included, but it would completely destroy the purpose of the book to include everyone who is anyone in the field of Swing Dance. However, if someone wishes to go to all the work involved compiling a complete Who's Who, we would be happy to include a link from this site to that one.

HELP: To complete this project, help will be needed from anyone in the Swing Dance community who can provide missing information. Please contact the author if you feel you or someone else should have been included in the book.